

所属行业: 贸易/进出口+零售/批发,互联网/移动互联网/电子商务,房地产/建筑...
公司性质: 合资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 上海市普陀区真北路1425号
公司介绍: 麦德龙中国简介   1996年,作为全球自助批发业务的领导者,麦德龙现购自运在中国上海开设了第一家商场。迄今,麦德龙现购自运已在中国47个城市设立了65家商场,北及哈尔滨,南至深圳。麦德龙中国拥有近10000名员工,2012年销售额约18.9亿欧元。
独特的商对商理念   麦德龙现购自运是现代商业领域最为成功的业态之一。麦德龙独特的商对商批发业务模式专注于服务专业顾客,包括酒店、餐馆、中小型零售商、食堂、企事业单位,它们必须进行登记,持有顾客卡。 这意味着麦德龙不是服务个人消费者的超市或者大卖场,而是量身定做满足公司、商户需求的现代批发模式。“源自专业,服务专业”是公司的座右铭。麦德龙中国为其专业顾客提供“一站式方案”,尤其是丰富的生鲜产品。通过麦德龙集团统一的质量保证体系,公司为中国市场树立了新的标准。
MCC China Introduction
In 1996, METRO Cash & Carry, the international leader in self-service wholesale, opened its first wholesale store in the international metropolis of Shanghai. The company was among the first to gain permission from the China Central Government to set up chain operations in all major cities in China.
Over the last decade, the company has set its foot already in 37 Chinese cities with 52 outlets in operation. With a headcount of around 9,000 employees, the wholesaler is serving more than 3 million professional customers across the country. In 2009, the net sales reached more than 1 billion euros. With a strong confidence and longstanding commitment to the market, METRO Cash & Carry will continue to invest and grow in China in the coming years.
A unique business-to-business concept  METRO Cash & Carry stands for one of the great success stories in modern commerce. The unique wholesale business-to-business model of METRO is focused only towards professional customers such as hotels, restaurants, caterers as well as small and mid-sized retailers and institutions, all of them duly registered and provided with a customer card.  This means that METRO Cash & Carry is not a super- or hypermarket chain for private consumption, but a modern form of wholesale exclusively tailored to the needs of businesses and companies. “Professionals serving professionals” is the company’s motto. METRO Cash & Carry China offers an “all-under-one-roof solution” for its customers with a particularly wide assortment of fresh products. With its group- wide quality assurance system the company sets new standards in China.
在人类历史上,贸易作为最早的商业模式之一,不仅帮助提供了基本的供给保障,还促进了教育和经济的繁荣。在现代社会中,麦德龙集团与旗下销售一线的麦德龙现购自运公司担当着国际贸易商的角色,为经济和社会的发展作出了贡献。公司的理念是:只有核心业务的可持续发展才能实现长期的赢利增长。对麦德龙集团来说,企业社会责任意味着公司对从商场到营运直至整个供应链中涉及到的人和环境都要担负起责任。  在麦德龙现购自运中国,我们致力于促进国家的可持续发展和促进和谐社会。麦德龙在中国的经营是长期性的,公司在成长和进一步发展同时,会平衡经济利益以及对环境和社会的影响。目前,食品安全话题在中国越来越受关注,麦德龙中国早已并一直注重我们在这个领域的企业社会责任,并为此不懈努力。
In history of mankind, trade was one of the first businesses which helped not only to provide basic supply, but also education and prosperity. In the modern world, METRO GROUP and its sales line Metro Cash & Carry have adopted the role of an international trader contributing to economical and social development. The company´s philosophy is that long-term profitable growth is only possible when the core business is managed in a sustainable manner. For METRO GROUP Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means acting responsibly towards the people it deals with and the environment – in its stores and operations and along the supply chain.
In Metro Cash & Carry China, we are committed to contributing to the sustainable development of the country and to foster a harmonious society. Metro is here in China to do business for the long term and will grow our company and further develop our business responsibly by balancing economic interests with environmental and social aspects. Currently, Metro Cash & Carry China has been and, is focusing our CSR efforts in food safety areas in respond to the increasing importance of the topic in China.

