

所属行业: 媒体/出版/影视/文化传播+广告/会展/公关/市场推广
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 北京市东三环北路丙2号天元港中心 查看地图
公司介绍: “吴氏策划”系吴氏国际文化传媒(北京)有限公司所属品牌,于1991年由旅欧华侨吴泽洲及吴嘉童父子创立,其宗旨是通过策划组织国际性文化艺术活动,增进各国间的了解和友谊。经过20年发展,吴氏策划目前在北京、上海及欧洲、中东等地拥有一支四十余人的国际团队,设有亚洲演出、欧洲演出、中东演出、艺人经纪、公共关系与大型活动等部门,每年在世界各地组织五百余场演出和文化活动,在国际文化领域成功地建立起了专业化的品牌形象。近二十年来,吴氏策划以开拓创新、积极进取的姿态投身于国际文化交流事业,如今已在国内外文化领域成功建立起其巩固的专业化形象。

业务范围- 从事国际性演出经纪业务- 主办或承办亚洲、欧洲及中东阿拉伯地区各类演出活动- 组织各国专业文化团体的大型国际巡回演出- 承接国际性大型公关策划活动,其中包含各国政府机构在文化、经济及旅游方面的推广等- 为杰出的中国年轻艺术家提供演出经纪服务及国际演出平台- 为非专业文化团体组织国际性交流活动,包括业余合唱团体、院校乐团、政府组织的访问考察等随着公司业务范围的不断扩展,我们真诚希望有更多热爱文化艺术交流事业的朋友们加入到吴氏策划的团队中来。吴氏策划视人才为公司最重要的战略资源,欢迎敢于挑战自我的海内外优秀人才加盟!以下各职位均要求能够熟练操作计算机及常用办公软件,具备良好的团队精神、沟通能力和责任心;具备良好的文字表达能力和协调能力。良好的英语水平,能够进行正常的英语交谈。请您在投递简历前务必浏览公司网站 投递简历时标明所应聘的职位。Founded in Beijing in 1991 by Zezhou Wu and Jiatong Wu, Wu Promotion is one of China’s first performing arts promoters and event organizers. Inspired by a deep passion and dedication to music, Wu Promotion strives to enhance cultural exchange by actively promoting the performing arts and capturing the beauty and diversity of the world’s culture through unique events. With offices in China, Europe and Middle East, its international and creative team organizes more than 500 concerts and events per year in China as well as abroad. Wu Promotion provides premium services for performing arts, event management, public relations, exhibition and business hospitality.Our Services:- Agency service for international performing arts - Promotion and organization of all genres of performing arts worldwide, with special focus on Asia, Europe and Middle East- Organization of big scale international tour for orchestras, theatres and other professional performing troupes from the different countries- Representation and promotion of emerging Chinese young artists on the international performing arts platform- Event management, public and media relations management, and consultation on tourism and business development in China for foreign partners - Organization of international culture exchange events for amateur troupes, such as choral groups, youth orchestras, government and institution delegations
If you meet the required qualifications, please send your CV, cover letter and a picture to Ms. Christine Zhang (

