

所属行业: 加工制造(原料加工/模具)+石油/石化/化工,大型设备/机电设备/...
公司性质: 合资
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 山东省龙口市高新技术产业园区朗源路89号 查看地图
公司介绍: Keimei Plastifizierung
Technik GmbH(译:凯美塑化科技有限公司),位于德国北威州威利希市,致力于前端塑化技术的研发及其衍生产品的制造,拥有多项业内领先的塑化技术专利和专有技术,努力为客户打造多种差别化和高附加值的解决方案。 KEIMEITM的产品和服务范围涵盖塑化挤出技术涉及的多个领域,如:高分子材料的共混与改性,熔纺领域、超细纤维着色和功能化等等。其产品有:新型KMDTM双螺杆&三螺杆挤出机、纤维试验机和EisvogelTM纳米级色母粒等功能性材料。 KEIMEI近几年在全球范围内展开布局以满足快速变化的市场需求,2016年4月在亚太区成功并购烟台华大纳米材料有限公司,更名为“凯美塑化科技(烟台)有限公司”,凯美烟台是KEIMEITM布局亚太、扩产纳米技术产品和部分设备产品的生产基地之一,也将更好地为亚太区域客户提供快速、便捷的系统解决方案。 凯美塑化科技(烟台)有限公司在中国环渤海经济区(烟台)、长三角经济区(杭州)、珠三角经济区(佛山)设有多个纳米级色母粒制造工厂和服务客户的业务单元。新成立的上海办公室位于享有上海“西引力”之称的虹桥国际甲级商务区—虹桥万科中心,希望“西引”优秀人才加入KEIMEITM在亚太各地的业务单元,我们将为优秀人才提供有发展、有挑战和人尽其才的工作环境。

更多凯美的相关信息,请登陆KEIMEI德国网址www.keimei.de或凯美中国网址www.keimeinano.com获取。Keimei Plastifizierung Technik (Yantai)
Co., Ltd., specializes in the manufacturing of Eisvogel nanotechnology
products, and promoting the application technology of Eisvogel nanomaterials.
The main products are masterbatches made from color pigments and functional
additives.The plant convers 80,000㎡, has more
than 50 production lines and a capacity of 20,000 tons per year. The Eisvogel
nano-grade masterbatches are typically applied to micro fiber's coloration and
endow various functionality. The base polymers of the micro fiber are normally
PP, PA and PET, application fields such as melt-spin Spunbond & Meltblown
nonwoven, carpet fiber, textile fiber, etc.

Keimei Plastifizierung Technik (Yantai)
Co., Ltd is the new company name after the merger with the former company,
Yantai Huada Nano Materials Co., Ltd., which was established in 1993. HUADA had
more than 20 years of manufacturing experience of masterbatches, had a strong
technical team and robust R & D capabilities, and had an established market
recognition, built over a long period time. Their products were mainly used in
the field of nonwovens and carpet fibers for domestic and global markets and it
had established a good corporate reputation over the years. The recent
acquisition by Keimei Plastifizierung Technik GmbH in Germany enables new
manufacturing technologies for nano materials to be implemented into the
production capabilities of the new company. It also represents an important
strategic move in the world market for KEIMEI, by now having a large production
base in Asia. By expanding the production capabilities and having a
manufacturing facility in close proximity to Asia-Pacific customers allows for
faster service and greater efficiencies in technical support.


