

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校+互联网/移动互联网/电子商务
公司性质: 上市公司
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 上海市徐汇区桂林路406号华鑫中心1号楼6楼 查看地图
公司介绍: 51Talk无忧英语(,成立于2011年,同年11月网站正式上线,并先后获得真格基金、顺为资本、DCM、红杉等数家国内外知名机构的投资。2016年5月,51Talk递交招股书,成为国内第一家启动赴美上市进程的在线教育企业。2016年6月10日,51Talk在美国纽交所成功上市。 51Talk公司总部位于北京,目前在上海、深圳、武汉、菲律宾等地设有分公司和办公地点,是目前国内学员数量最大、外教最多的在线英语教育领导品牌。 2015年9月,51Talk无忧英语签约国际网坛巨星李娜成为其形象代言人。2016年,51Talk推出在线教育“平台战略”,致力于为中国人提供全世界优质的教育资源。51Talk还同业内的权威外语专业机构开展战略合作,目前已与外研社达成共同打造的一套语言测评体系。同时,51Talk还与剑桥大学出版社达成共识,并从多个维度开展战略合作。

Founded in 2011, China Online Education Group ( launched its official website in the November of the same year, and successively received the investment from several reputable institutional investors at home and abroad such as Zhen Fund, Shunwei Capital, DCM and Sequoia Capital. China Online Education Group submitted its prospectus in June 2016, becoming China's first online education company that initiates the process of going public in U.S. With the headquarters in Beijing and the subsidiaries and offices in Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenzhen and Philippines, China Online Education Group currently is not only the leading online education brand that owns the largest number of students and foreign teachers, but also an one-stop online education platform helping users achieve overall improvement of their comprehensive practical ability of English. In September 2015, China Online Education Group employed Li Na, an international tennis star, to be its spokesperson. Besides, China Online Education Group launched its"Online Education Platform Strategy"in 2016, dedicated to offering quality educational resources around the globe to Chinese students. Further, China Online Education Group has developed strategic cooperation with authoritative institutions in the industry of foreign language teaching and research, and now has co-produced a language examination system with Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Meanwhile, China Online Education Group has reached a consensus with Cambridge University Press to initiate strategic cooperation multi-dimensionally.

