

所属行业: 专业服务(咨询/财会/法律/翻译等)+广告/会展/公关/市场推广,教育...
公司性质: 合资
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 上海市普陀区武宁路99号我格广场1701室
公司介绍: 人力资源智享会(HREC)是中国最大和最具影响力的,面向中国人力资源领域专业人士的会员制组织。截至2015 年6 月:智享会 付费会员 企业超过 2,100 家已经进入中国的 世界500强和全球2000强企业中, 超过90%是智享会的会员人力资源智享会(HREC)每年举办超过220场活动,每年有超过3万名企业人力资源中高层管理者参与到智享会活动中。人力资源智享会(HREC)旗下《HR Value》杂志,是最具价值的人力资源专业刊物,兼具理论性和实践性,读者人数超2 万名。人力资源智享会(HREC)每年出版超过18份权威研究报告,撰写超过120个案例,覆盖人力资源相关领域:管理培训生项目、共享服务中心、人才管理、蓝领员工管理、招聘流程外包、校园招聘等等,提供人力资源行业最佳实践分享和数据分析,帮助人力资源从业者做出相应科学决策,为业务贡献更大价值。人力资源智享会(HREC)与以Saint Joseph’s University(圣约瑟夫大学)、Human Capital Management Institute(HCMI)为代表的全球10 多家人力资源专业教育领域的知名大学和组织合作,为中国人力资源从业人员提供高端前沿的学术教育及认证课程。人力资源智享会(HREC)内训咨询服务平台每年帮助超过200家公司找到服务好、质量高、满足企业定制需求的经智享会认证的咨询和培训服务提供商。人力资源智享会(HREC)每两年举办“中国学习与发展价值大奖”“中国招聘与任用价值大奖”颁奖盛典,这两个奖项作为中国力资源业界内的“奥斯卡奖”而倍受瞩目。智享会遵循“公正、公开、公平”原则,邀请独立的人力资源领域资深专家组成评委团,旨在为企业寻找“学习与发展”“招聘与任用”领域的实践标杆,以“汇聚优秀企业,发现最佳实践,引领人力资源行业发展”为目标,打造出最权威、最专业、最具公信力的人力资源奖项。宣传片1链接:宣传片2链接:
Human Resource Excellence Centre is China’s largest and most influential membership-based network for HR professionals. By the end of June 2015,:More than 2,100 companies joined HREC as corporate membersMore than 90% of Fortune 500 & Forbes 2000 companies in China are HREC membersHREC annually organize220 events with an attendance of more than 30,000 HR professionals. HR Value magazine published by HREC is considered to be the most valuable HR publication rooted in both theories and best practices by our 20,000 readers.HREC annually publish more than 18 research reports and write over 120 cases studies covering various HR functions and programs: Management Trainee Projects, HR Shared Services, Talent Management, Blue-collar Worker Management, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Campus Recruitment etc. The reports provide latest practice sharing and data analysis, helping HR professionals to make right decisions and contribute better values to the business.HREC also partners with over 10 leading universities and organizations, such as Saint Joseph’s University and Human Capital Management Institute to supply HR professionals in China with leading and advanced academic and certification programs.HREC In-house Training and Consulting Platform annually assist more than 200 companies to source HREC-certified training & consulting services providers offering top quality service and flexibility in customization.HREC organize “China Learning & Development Award” and “China Recruiting & Staffing Award” every two years, the most influential & reputable awards of its kind in HR industry in China. HREC strictly follow “fair, impartial and open” principles and establish judgment panel consisting of independent leading HR experts, striving to search for benchmarks for learning & development and recruiting & staffing profession in China. The awards aim to “gather together excellent companies, discover best practices and lead the development of HR industry”. They prove to be the most authoritative, professional and credible awards in China’s HR industry.Video 1: 2:

