
PA Process Automation Solutions

所属行业: 仪器仪表及工业自动化
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 上海市徐汇区文定路200号盛源恒华大厦1203-1205室
公司介绍: 会和工业自动化(上海)有限公司,德国在中国的全资子公司,作为ATS集团成员之一,是一家加拿大上市公司,在工业4.0的发展背景下,为工业领域提供完整的信息化、自动化解决方案。公司的业务主要集中在化工、电子、制药、汽车制造等行业,在同行业中处于世界领先地位。作为专业的工程公司,会和在从项目的规划、设计,到实施及调试和服务等各个阶段都具备丰富的经验,这使我们能够为用户提供有关自动化生产的整体解决方案。会和中国的总部设在上海,在北京、长春、沈阳、广州设有分公司和办事处。


PA Process Automation Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., WOFE of Germany, as a part of ATS Group, is one of the
leading manufacturer independent providers of complete automation solutions for
the process, production and automotive industry. From planning to
implementation and system start-ups: our status as a professional business partner
with ample experience enables us to assist the customer with any issues related
to automation – in fact, our services can even cover the entire life cycle of
your plant. Our operations focus on the design of control and process control
systems and their Vertical Integration into the overall business process. The
Headquarter of PA China is in Shanghai, with branches in Beijing, Changchun,
Shenyang and Guangzhou.公司网址

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