

所属行业: 房地产/建筑/建材/工程+专业服务(咨询/财会/法律/翻译等),其他
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 500-999人
公司地址: 上海市长宁区北翟路1178号鑫达商务楼1号楼6楼(近地铁二号线淞虹...
公司介绍: Who We Are
Century 3 Inc., founded in 1977, designs, builds and relocates facilities for leaders in global industries throughout the US, China, Southeast Asia and across the globe. Century 3 China, headquartered in Shanghai, has 9 established locations in China. With over 36 years of experience, we have delivered value to prestigious clients worldwide, such as BMW, Jaguar, INVISTA, Eastman, Applied Material, Honeywell, SanDisk, Novartis, Dumex and many more through our consulting, engineering, procurement, project management, construction and maintenance services.

Global Project Management Expertise
Century 3 has provided a range of engineering and construction services to BMW, Qoros, Jaguar, Applied Materials, STMicroelectronics, SanDisk, Milliken, Ciba, Marvell and INVISTA. We have extensive experience in international engineering projects in China, which enables us to build facilities and factories at high standards that meet international clients’ project objectives and expectations.

Engineering and Construction Elites
Century 3 management teams include overseas returning Chinese, global expatriates and local professionals with extensive international engineering and construction management experience. With more than 800 construction and engineering elites based in china, we are able to support clients on large complex construction projects with high quality work and cost-effective completion.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Care for people, clients, communities, and our planet through resourcefulness and integrity. As a core philosophy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been an important part of how we do business at Century 3. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our projects through advances in engineering, a wise deployment of resources and measures designed to minimize the negative consequences of our work on the public and the environment. Century 3 agrees the sustainability goals and global approach to CSR of people, planet and profit.

自1977年成立以来,生特瑞为全球各行业的领军企业提供设计、建造、搬迁等全方位的工程服务。生特瑞中国总部位于上海,并在全国9座城市设有分公司。生特瑞拥有逾36年的工程管理与施工经验,公司以 “体现价值”为理念,致力于为全球顶级企业如宝马、捷豹路虎、英威达、伊士曼、应用材料、霍尼韦尔、闪迪、诺华制药及多美滋等提供广泛的咨询、设计、采购、项目管理、施工管理及设施维护服务。





