

所属行业: IT服务(系统/数据/维护)+零售/批发,大型设备/机电设备/重工...
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 北京云谷电子商务产业园(丰台区南方庄乙56号院)2号楼6层
公司介绍: 北京太平宝迪科技发展有限公司成立于2002年,是一家提供音视频解决方案和产品供应的集团公司,业务涉及扩声系统、中控系统、安防系统、会议系统、广播系统及个人录音制作、广电、演出等一系列与之相关的业务。宝迪拥有广博全面的产品线,为客户带来无以伦比的体验和一站式整合解决方案。如今公司已成为丹麦TCGI集团旗下TC ELECTRONIC, TANNOY, LAB GRUPPEN & LAKE,美国LOUD集团旗下Martin Audio(Cinema and Black line系列除外)等多个国际顶级品牌的中港澳总代理。同时也是BOSCH COMMUNICATION & SECURITY, VENUE, PRESONUS 及 K&M等品牌的核心代理商。随着业务的不断发展和为了更好地满足全国客户的需求,宝迪先后在上海和深圳成立了分公司并在成都、西安、南京和山东建立了办事机构。本公司拥有一支设计能力超前及技术服务水准高超,现场经验丰富的专业安装、调试、培训指导队伍。几年来,公司凭借自身雄厚的高科技实力和完善的售后服务体系,相继承支持经销商、工程商及系统集成商完成了几千项音视频系统。为中港澳地区的众多政府机构、剧院、音乐厅、广播电台及电视台、体育场馆、会议会展中心、酒店、娱乐及演出租赁公司、专业录音棚、高档写字楼等设计专业系统及解决方案,这些项目以其前瞻的理念、先进的技术、可靠的质量、优异的服务获得了广大用户和专业人士的一致好评。为更好地服务于用户,宝迪公司目前在国内与港澳台地区与超过200家核心合作伙伴保持紧密的业务往来,同时还组建了技术支持服务网络,方便与广大用户沟通,保证及时的技术支持和售后保养维修。几年来,宝迪公司致力于科技、艺术与音乐的结合,我们的宗旨是不但要交给客户一套好的音视频系统,更重要的是帮助客户发挥系统的潜在功能,为中国的专业音响以及广播电视事业竭尽奉献。Beijing Pacific Budee Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Budee) was founded in 2002 and is active in providing audio & video solutions and products to clients, which covers sound reinforcement systems, central control systems, security systems, conference systems, broadcasting & personal studio systems, radio film & television industry, and touring sound systems etc. Budee has a full line of audio products to bring unparalleled experience and one-stop integrated solution to customers. Nowadays the company has become the sole distributor for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau of a variety of international top brands, such as TC ELECTRONIC, TANNOY, LAB GRUPPEN & LAKE, which are managed by TC Group International A/S and Martin Audio (Cinema and Black Line Series excluded ) which is under the management of LOUD Technologies Inc. of America. Budee is also the core distributor of BOSCH COMMUNICATION & SECURITY, VENUE, PRESONUS and K&M, etc.With the continuous business development and to meet the needs of customers in China, Budee has established its branch offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen and set up its offices in Chengdu, Xian, Nanjing and Shandong respectively. Budee has an elite team of professional audio system designers and experienced site technicians for installation, testing and training. With its own strong technology strength and perfect after sales service system, Budee has supported dealers and system integration companies to work on thousands of audio & video projects providing professional audio design and sound reinforcement systems to various government institutions, theaters, concerts, broadcasting and TV stations, stadiums, convention & exhibition centers, hotels, entertainment and tour & rental companies, professional sound-recording studios and top grade office buildings etc. With the forward looking ideas, advanced technology, reliable quality and excellent service, these projects have won favorable reception from the clients and experts.To better serve the clients, Budee has maintained very close business relationship with more than 200 core partners in main land China, Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan. At the same time the company has built a technical support service network for efficient communication with the customers to ensure timely technical and after sales service.In the past few years, Budee has been striving for combining technology, art and music together. Our aim is not only to provide the best audio & video systems to clients but also to help customers to excavate the system potential thus devoting ourselves into professional audio and broadcasting &TV station industry in China.经营理念:只有通过完美的服务才能创造成功的未来企业精神:认真勤奋、不断求知、积极进取企业核心价值观:人人为宝迪,宝迪为人人公司福利待遇薪酬情况:公司为员工提供符合其自身能力并在行业内具有竞争力的薪资待遇,包括基本工资,交通补贴,通讯补贴,午餐补贴等,为了激励优秀的个人与团队,公司设立了多样化的奖励项目。保险及福利:1.太平宝迪公司按照国家规定,为所有的正式员工上缴五险一金。2.太平宝迪公司的老板非常重视员工的身体健康,因此公司每周都会组织员工进行体育锻炼,如打羽毛球、乒乓球,也会不定期组织踢球等运动。此类活动的费用均由公司承担。3.为丰富员工的业余时间,减轻员工的工作压力,每季度我们都会为员工购买电影票4.每月,我们都会为当月过生日的员工购买生日蛋糕5.夏天的时候,我们每周都会为同事购买冷饮、水果或者点心6.每年公司都会组织员工outing7.年底公司会组织年会,并设立相应工作奖项。8.对于在本公司服务一定年限的员工,我们也会有不同的工龄奖励,如意外礼物,额外带薪休假,旅游基金等。

