

所属行业: 加工制造(原料加工/模具)+航空/航天研究与制造,石油/石化/化工...
公司性质: 股份制企业
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 中国苏州相城区渭塘镇中国汽车零部件产业园钻石路1988号 查看地图
公司介绍: Founded in 2014, Suzhou E&YA
High Precision Components Inc. is located in the “China Auto Parts Industry
Park” in the picturesque Xiangcheng District, Suzhou
City, China. Adhering to service innovation, E&YA focuses on high
precision machining technologies for transportation and aerospace industries
and commits itself to providing high-end customized high-precision components
system solutions for our clients in automotive, high-speed rail, medical,
communications, intelligent target scoring equipment, children’s intelligent
gadgets industries. The company also attaches much importance to specialized
manufacturing and technical innovation to achieve its strategic development.

E&YA boasts an energetic technical team and has reached extensive
cooperation with Stanford University and Duke University. At this stage, to
further enhance its technology and attract more researchers and engineers, E&YA
sets up the R&D and marketing bases in Xiangcheng District to meet the
needs of ever-expanding global business.

E&YA is mainly engaged in design,
manufacturing, sales and services of high precision aluminum alloy structural
parts for automotive, aerospace, medical, high-speed rail, AI machinery
industries, etc.; Besides, it provides R&D services for large exhibition
equipment, outdoor advertising aluminum profiles and carbon fiber structural
parts. E&YA has rich experience of
aluminum alloy extrusion (casting), precision machining and sheet metal
stamping. It is an industry leader in the technologies of aluminum alloy
casting mold design and manufacturing, casting equipment application, casting
parts post-processing, low pressure gravity pouring, precision CNC machining,
vacuum clamp and sheet metal molding process etc., some of which are E&YA’s
patents of invention and original technologies.

At present, E&YA has 16,000 sqm of modern factory, with fixed
assets investment of more than RMB48 million and
ISO9001/TS16949 certification. It has reached a strategic partnership with
Suzhou Chengren Group that owns six independent business development centers,
including Suzhou Doule Children’s Products Co.,Ltd .Suzhou Chengren Aluminum
Co. Ltd., Suzhou Jiahang Precision Casting Co. Ltd. and an oxidation processing
plant. We have formed a complete industrial development chain, securing
absolute advantages in human resources and production equipment.

E&YA is well received and recognized by world-renowned
enterprises such as SONY, Kubota, Dongshan Precision, HUAWEI, Chinese CNR,
Yigao Electric Vehicle, Great Wall Motor, TCL and Changhong.

"Building an enterprise for employee happiness with the
Confucian culture" is the company’s operation philosophy. By forging the
core value of “greater value for the enterprise, better life for the staff”, E&YA
aims to constantly improve its core competitiveness and ultimately maximize
shareholders’ interests.

Based on the present, we
look ahead into the future. In the field of high precision technology
innovation, E&YA will take root in Suzhou and embrace the world. With fully
dedication and pursuit of excellence, we strive to build E&YA into a
"well-established enterprise" where mission and responsibility are
integrated, the enterprise and staff grow together, and the enterprise and
society develop in harmony.

Strategic Operation

Ø  Provide the best customized high precision components system
solutions for customers worldwide;

Ø  Strive to build a homegrown brand with global influence;

Ø  Improve employees’ living standard through its continuous efforts.

Strategic Operation Goals:

Ø  Customer trust: build a trustworthy brand for customers.

Ø  Customer dependence: provide customers innovative products and dependable
premium services.


苏州伊而雅精密部件有限公司成立于2014年,企业位于中国苏州相城区渭塘镇“中国汽车零部件产业园区”。公司坚持以技术创新服务为主导,专业研发智能交通核心部件、航空精密部件、纳米高温陶瓷粉体技术,企业将热障涂层粉体技术视为企业战略发展核心方向,努力为医疗行业、核设施、高铁交通、高端医疗、通讯部件、智能报靶设备、儿童智能用品等相关行业提供高端、精密零部件的定制化系统及解决方案。我们将致力于专业精密制造与科技技术的创新,从而满足于企业的战略发展。公司拥有一支充满活力的技术团队,与弗吉尼亚理工大学、斯坦福大学、DUKE大学有过广泛的合作。现阶段,为使技术进一步提升、充实和吸引更多的科技人才,公司在相城区成立研发、生产基地,以满足公司在全球范围内不断扩大的业务需求。公司主要从事高端纳米陶瓷技术、航空、高铁、医疗、智能机器等精密铝合金(工业精密陶瓷)结构件的设计、制造、销售及服务;同时提供大型展示器材、户外广告铝型材、炭纤维结构件的研究与开发等业务。公司具有丰富的铝合金挤压(压铸)、精密机械加工、钣金冲压制造经验,在铝合金压铸模具设计与制造技术、压铸设备应用技术、压铸件后处理技术、低压重力浇铸技术、精密数控机械加工技术、真空夹具技术、板材成形工艺等领域处于行业领先水平,其中部分工艺为公司发明专利和独创工艺技术。目前企业拥有1.6万平方米的现代化厂房,固定资产投资达数亿人民币。企业通过ISO9001/TS16949汽车质量管理体系的认证,企业拥有多个独立的事业部如:CNC精密加工事业部,拥有国内外精密加工设备100余台;苏州地区规模最大、规格最全的铝氧化线15条、铝精密铸造设备8台,纳米陶瓷事业部雕刻机50余台。目前我们已经形成了一条完整的产业发展链,在人力资源与生产设备、检测设备上拥有绝对的保障与优势。公司深受日本SONY、久保田、三星、东山精密、和华为(HUAWEI)、中国北车、艺高电动车、长城(Great Wall Motor)、TCL、长虹等全球知名企业推崇。 “以儒家文化打造幸福企业”是公司对企业经营共识,通过“为企业创造价值不断提升员工的生活品质”核心价值观的打造,不断提升企业的核心竞争力,最终致力于股东利益最大化。立足现在,展望未来。公司将在精密科技创新领域,扎根苏州、拥抱全球,全心投入、追求卓越,打造使命与责任共融合、企业与员工共成长、企业与社会共和谐的"百年"伊而雅。 企业战略经营理念:Ø  为全球客户提供最佳的精密零部件定制化系统解决方案;Ø  努力打造全球具有影响力的自助品牌。Ø  通过企业不断的努力,提高员工的物质生活水平。 企业战略经营目标:Ø  信任:打造和建立值得客户信任的品牌。

Ø  依赖:提供给客户创新产品和优质服务,值得依赖。

