

所属行业: 金融/银行/投资/基金/证券/期货
公司性质: 国企
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 世纪大道1701号钻石大厦13楼B栋
公司介绍: 上海中期期货股份有限公司( 简称上海中期) 成立于1993 年2 月28 日,是经中国证监会批准、国家工商行政管理局核准的独立法人公司,2016年9月改制为股份有限公司。公司注册资本金6亿元人民币,主要股东为兖矿集团有限公司、兖州煤业股份有限公司。
上海中期秉承“三信五精神” 的企业文化,以相信期货,相信中期,相信自己,诚实守信合规经营的从业精神,止于至善的客户服务精神,战胜一切困难的拼搏精神,公司利益至上的主人翁精神,主动自觉的企业家精神, 谆谆教诲每一位员工。经过二十多年的不懈努力,上海中期已成为国内最具影响力的大型期货公司之一,并连续多年获期货公司分类监管评审A类评级。

Founded on Feb 28 1993, SHZQ Futures Co., Ltd. (SHZQ) is an independent registered company with the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the State Administration of Industry & Commerce (SAIC).
In Sep 2016, SHZQ was restructured into a stock limited company. The registered capital of the Company is 600 million RMB. The largest shareholders are Yankuang Group Co., Ltd and Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited.

The corporate culture can be summed up into “Three Faith and Five Spirit”, which stands for “faith in futures, faith in SHZQ, faith in oneself” and “integrity, commitment, struggle, ownership, initiative”. For two decades efforts, SHZQ has flourished into the most influential futures brokerage company, and continually received Class A rating from the futures company classification supervision review.

